Department of Sanskrit Samhita is one of the pre-clinical departments of Ayurveda and popularly known as department of basic principles. All the original texts of Ayurveda were compiled in Sanskrit so the Sanskrit knowledge is compulsory to learn Ayurveda. Glorious history of Ayurveda is taught to the students through department. History of Ayurveda enables the students to understand the development in Ayurveda during pre-vedic, Vedic, medieval period and recent developments.
All the popular samhitas like Charak, Shushrut, Ashtang Hrigday Samhita, Bhavprakash, Madhavnidan, Ashtangsangrah, Bhela, Kashyap Samhita and many others Samhita are also studied and taught in this department.
Facilities in the Department
Well-designed museum having enough models, charts, posters, etc.
Well-equipped library having more than 55 ancient Ayurvedic books.
Good tutorial room, projector, t.vset, camera, separate cabins for staff with computer with printer, slide projector and net facility.
Sharir Rachana is the branch of Ayurveda which deals with the knoledge about bones, muscles, blood vessels, strotas, joints, vital organs and also about the knowledge of Marmas and Garbha Sharir.
The Rachana Sharir subject comprises study of Normal body structures documented by Ayurveda and the Acharyas as well as the study of Modern Anatomy.
Facilities in the Department
Most attractive portion is our Anatomy Museum having more than 200 specimens are mounted with various sections of body parts.
Articulated skeletons, separate bone sets, models.
Dissection of human body is done regularly in the Department for the comprehensive knowledge of human body.
Sharir Kriya is the science which deals with the normal function of human body and its parts. It involves understanding human physiology along with the principles of functions of human body from Ayurvedic perspective.
Studying ‘Kriya Sharir’ (Physiology) is very important as it is the base of treating any disease. Ayurved is concepts of Sharir Kriya deals with the functions of Dosh, Dhatu and Malas.
Sharir Shashtra although is not included in Ashtanga Ayurveda in those days due to its inclusion in Kayachikitsa. But now a days it is a part of shodashanga of Ayurveda.
Dravyaguna is the core subject and the foundation of Ayurvedic Chikitsa, deals with identification, collection, storage and preservation of raw materials of plant origin. Ayurveda has mentioned about five thousand such herbs in its texts.
The subject Dravyaguna Vidnyan deals with basic principles of mode of action of drug and detailed study of herbal drugs thus creating platform for therapeutic application of herbs. This subject is backbone of clinical practice. The subject also includes standardization of Medicinal plants.
Facilities in the Department
Museum- Departmental museum have preserved wet specimens as well as dry samples for further references.
Laboratory- Departmental laboratory is well maintained with instruments required for pharmacognostic study & research purpose.
Library-Departmental library is fulfilled with herbarium sheets, reference books of Ayurveda & pharmacology along with magazines.
Charts-Flex charts of herbal drugs & modern pharmacology concepts are available.
Herbal Garden- department has well established herbal garden with several plant species marked with botanical name.
Field Visit – Department organizes local & out of state study tours every year for practical exploration.
Rasashastra means Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics and as such it deals mainly with the drugs of mineral origin, their varieties, characteristics, processing techniques, properties and their therapeutic uses along with the descriptions of various apparatus, different kinds of furnaces, heating devices and heating schedules.
The pharmaceutical procedure of any drug involve various steps starting from identification and collection of authentic raw material, application of standardized processing techniques and production of quality drug to packing and storage of produced drugs.(eg.churna, vati, gugglu kalpa, siddha tail, ghruta, avaleha.)
Facilities in the Department
Well designed Musium having enough specimens, samples, models and charts of various size.
well equipped Laboratory.
Departmental Library for under graduate and post graduate scholars having 150 books (Ayurvedic & Modern).
Research lab for quality control.
Good teaching pharmacy with required equipments.
Rogvigyan and Vikrividnyan deals with the factors which are essential to understand disease process as well as the diagnosis of diseases. It is very much necessary to understand the basic concepts, which are related to manifestation, diagnosis and prognosis of diseases.
Ayurveda is the science of life, hence concerned with prevention and cure of diseases. Since “Nidan Parivarjana” is the first step for prevention, the study of Nidan should be accurate.
Rognidan-Vikrutividnyan is the foundation of all the clinical subjects. The subject helps you to understand in depth the disease (Vyadhi-vidnyanam) & its pathogenesis (Samprapti Vidnyanam), the art & science of the clinical examination methods (Aatur or Rugna Parikshan Vidhi); the signs & symptoms or clinical features of the disease, the required investigations (Vyadhi pariksha vidhi) & the interpretation of their results as well.
Facilities in the Department
Department is fulfilled by all instruments & Equipment’s which promotes research work conducted by department.
Pathologycal specimens & Digital charts with schematic diagrams & photographs enriches students knowledge.
A real strength of Ayurveda is preventive measures and maintaining good health this is incorporated in the Swasthavritta subject. Thus this department entertains teaching and training modules on preventive medicine, social medicine, yoga, Naturopathy, ayurvedic nutrition and dietetics.
Along with that yoga is nector of ayurveda which comes under swasthavritta.Yogasan & pranayam are pillars of longativity and accepted by all communities. Dincharya,Rutucharya,trayopstambha are comes under personal hygiene.Water,air,light etc.are comes under social hygine.So here we get all preventive measures for attaining a healthy life.
Facilities in the Department
Swastharakshan OPD for diet and yoga advice.
Deparmental liabrary
Yoga demonstration room
The department deals with Toxicology, forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence.
Agadtantra is one of the eight branches of ayurveda. It deals with properties, effects and management of poison of animate & inanimate origin. There is in detail study of agadas i.e. vishavirodhi dravya or vishavirodhikalpa which are used since human history itself. It also deals with the laws related to poisons.
Facilities in the Department
The dept has poison specimens, forensic models and enough charts. There is separate tutorial room, separate weapon room with 60 weapon models.
Prasooti – Tantra & Stri – Roga is a clinical Department that teach obstetrics and Gynecology. Aurvedic concept of Prasooti – Tantra & Stree – Roga, involves primarily the sharirsthana, uttartantra and chikitsa – sthana of basic Ayurvedic texts of Sushruta Samhita, Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridya.
This department deals with diagnosis, investigations, labour, post labour care with all Gynaecological diseases in the field of obstetrics & Gynaecology both Ayurveda & modern aspects.
Facilities in the Department
P. G. Course – M.S. in Steeroga Prasuti tantra is available in this department
Department is well maintained with library consisting to books of various types.
Department has sufficient charts & models.
Department museum having various types of specimens.
Department has well equipped word, operation theatre.
Labour room with all supportive diagnostic tools.
We encourage our students to participate & Attends various National & International seminars.
Faculty is efficiently handling all types of emergency in the Hospital & also perform necessary surgeries.
Kaumarbhritya is one of the Most Important Branch of Ayurveda dealing with the care of the child from the Conception to till the Maturity It is one of the Eight Branches (Astanga) of Ayurveda, which deals with the child care both preventive and curative.
Facilities in the Department
Department is running with regular OPD & with special high-risk clinics.
Neonatal care unit and neonatal check-up in OPD.
Special Ayurveda treatment for specific childhood diseases like behavioural disorders, skin diseases etc.
Special panchakarma procedures for various kinds of childhood diseases.
Counselling sessions to be performed by expert doctors to parents in view of, to modulate their view on neurological development and its importance in children.
IPD facilities, also available in hospital with well-trained doctors.
Ayurveda is having holistic approach towards life mainly concerned with the tre atment of body, mind and soul. Kayachikitsa is the first branch of ashtang ayurved that deals with general medicine, where kaya means body and chikitsa means treatment. Kaya also refers to agni on entire ayurvedic therapeutics is based on the concept of Agni. Correction of Agni is the basic line of treatment for most of the diseases.
Kayachikitsa deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of disorders like, geriatric medicine (Rasayana), Aphrodisiac medicine (Vajikarana), skin disorders, Diabetes and other lifestyle disorders, general medical disorders, arthritis and joint disorders. Kaychikitsa department is the backbone of Ayurveda medicine. Diseases like skin disorders, diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many other disorders are diagonised and treated with Ayurveda medicines.
Facilities in the Department
Ayurveda and panchakarma treatment for following diseases
Dibetis and ObesityJoint Problems -Osteo arthiritis and Rheumatoid Arthiritis Spine problems -cervical spondylysis, spondilitis etc, Skin Diseases G.I System problems, Chronic Cough and Asthama Paralysis etc
Shalyatantra is one of the distinct branches of Ashtang Ayurveda. Ayurvedic shalyatantra explains and demonstrates surgical knowledge and procedures that were performed and used since thousands of years and are useful even today.
Now a day’s world is turning to Ayurved for comprehensive treatment of diseases. Surgical knowledge and treatments of disease described in shalyatantra can be researched and used in diseases with minimum complications and side effects. Maintained its importance even today, wound healing has imfact gained more importance.
The scope of this department has reached into Orthopedics, Surgery and para-surgical techniques. The main focus of the department is to make the students aware of the fundamentals of surgical diseases, various disabilities and deformities, traumas, fractures, congenital and acquired illnesses etc.
Facilities in the Department
Have the good library in that library all types of surgical books available.
Have the basic knowledge and surgical principles described in shalya tantra by various acharyas.
Have all types of organs samples with museum.
Have medicine samples.
Have separate cabin all teachers and HOD and P G students.
Shalya tantra department have good teaching staff is available
Ayurveda is broadly classified into 8 parts called as Astang Ayurveda. Shalakya Tantra is one part of Astang Ayurveda which deals with the diseases of Urdhav-jatru i.e. body above the clavicle mainly it deals with the diseases of eyes, mouth, nose etc. To treat these diseases Shalaka (Probe) is used. So the subject is called as “Shalakya Tantra”. Shalakyatantra is nothing but the branch that cures the disease above clavicle i.e. eye, ear, nose, mouth and throat along with shirorag.
Facilities in the Department
Departmental Library
Departmental Museum
Tutorial Room
Digital charts and Paper charts, Models and Surgical instruments, etc. are available.
OPD & IPD facilities for diseases of Urdhav-jatru i.e. body above the clavicle mainly it deals with the diseases of eyes, mouth, nose etc. are available.
This department deals with Shodhana or Panchakarma means five methods of body purification. These methods are employed in the healthy to prevent diseases and to improve the immunity as also in the sick to treat a number of diseases.
- To teach authentic Panchakarma Procedures in a Practical way.
- To treat chronic disorders by way of Panchakarma Therapy.