Ramrao Patil Ayurved College & Hospital

Shree Baliraja Shikshan Sanstha Someshwar, Sanchalit

Ramrao Patil Ayurved College & Hospital

Purna, Tq. Purna, Dist. Parbhani - 431511 (Maharashtra)

Samhita Siddhanta


Name Of Teacher: Dr. Parkhante Ashwini Ratnakant
Designation : Lecturer
Qualification : M.D Samhita Siddhanta
Department : Samhita Siddhanta
Date Of Birth: 06/06/1994
Date of Joining: 01/04/2023
Experience : 01/04/2023 To Till Date
MCIM No : I- 89187-A
Email.Id : ashwini parkhante@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8530030117

Name Of Teacher: Smt Solanke Archana Babarao
Designation: Lecturer ( Sanskrit Teacher)
Qualification : M.A Sankrit
Department : Samhita Siddhanta
Date Of Birth: 01/06/1982
Date of Joining: 12/12/2013
Experience 12/12/2013 To Till Date
Email.Id : archanasolanke@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9158230540

Name Of Teacher : Dr Ingole Seema Ingole
Designation: Reader
Qualification : MD Samhita Siddhanta
Department : Samhita Siddhanta
Date Of Birth: 05/06/1983
Date of Joining: 27/08/2015
Experience: 27/08/2015 To Till Date
MCIM No : I-50533_A
Email.Id : seemaingole@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7588160080

Name Of Teacher : Dr.Kavita Ambe Gangadhar
Designation: Lecturer
Qualification : MD Samhita Siddhanta
Department : Samhita Siddhanta
Date Of Birth: 04/08/1994
Date of Joining: 02/03/2023
Experience : 02/03/2023 To Till Date
MCIM No : I-50533_A
Email.Id : kavitaambe@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9011484827


Department of Sanskrit Samhita is one of the pre-clinical departments of Ayurveda and popularly known as department of basic principles. All the original texts of Ayurveda were compiled in Sanskrit so the Sanskrit knowledge is compulsory to learn Ayurveda. Glorious history of Ayurveda is taught to the students through department. History of Ayurveda enables the students to understand the development in Ayurveda during pre-vedic, Vedic, medieval period and recent developments.

All the popular samhitas like Charak, Shushrut, Ashtang Hrigday Samhita, Bhavprakash, Madhavnidan, Ashtangsangrah, Bhela, Kashyap Samhita and many others Samhita are also studied and taught in this department.

Facilities in the Department

 Well-designed museum having enough models, charts, posters, etc.

 Well-equipped library having more than 55 ancient Ayurvedic books.

 Good tutorial room, projector, t.vset, camera, separate cabins for staff with computer with printer, slide projector and net facility.